Sunday, October 01, 2006


Buy a Friend a Book Week -- our first winner!

I'm proud to announce that we have our first winner of the Buy a Groupie a Book Week contest!

It is our last and final entrant (how's THAT for timing?), Russell Morse, who inspired me with the simple reminder of the positive feelings that music often leaves us with.

Big Congrats to Russell, who wins a copy of Tom Perrotta's The Wishbones, a book I read many years ago and can still recall the texture and mood of.

Enjoy it, Russell, and thanks for being my groupie!

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oooh... 'The Wishbones' looks good

Hey! Down, girl! That book's for your man, not you!


Happy BAFABW, to you, too!
Congrats to the first winner :)
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