Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Contest time!

My friend, the sophisticated writer, tagged me. But since this isn't a blog about me, I'm going to let you guys guess the answers -- for Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri, since you should know those three the best. I'll fill in some and give away books on my Available Shelf over at BookCrossing to whoever gives me the best answers for the rest. Beware: these books aren't among the best I've ever read. Heck, I haven't read most of them, if you want to know the truth.

Leave your answers in the comment trail; it'll help (but isn't required unless I get cranky, which is always liable to happen) if you include the question, too, when we all read over the rest of the answers.

And no, you don't have to answer all of them. Even one will qualify you for a book. If I'm on a roll, you might wind up with more than one. Book that is. *wink*

You have until 20 January, and then I'll announce the winners. Have at it, and have FUN!

1. How tall are you barefoot?

Mitchell -- 6'1"

Kerri, 5'10"

Trevor, 5'10" (uh-huh. Sure, Trev)

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?

Trevor doesn't bother with such things.

Mitchell usually never remembered names, let alone saw them a second time,

and Kerri ... well, Kerri's meeting the Vosses should be an outtake.

5. What do you think of hot dogs?

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?

7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Mitchell: orange juice.

Kerri: coffee

8. Can you do push ups?

9. Is your bathroom clean?

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

11. Do you like painkillers?

12. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

13. Do you hate any of your exes?

Trevor: No, and I'd still be loving them if I didn't need to come up for air.

Mitchell: What exes?

Kerri: No.

14. Do you have a dog? (answered by Susan) Nope, no dogs in Riverview. Yet.

15. Middle Name?

Mitchell: Gregory

Kerri: Elizabeth

16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?

17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:

Mitchell: Orange juice, Gatorade, beer

18. What time did you wake up today?

Mitchell: noon

19. Current worry?

20. Current hate?

21. Favorite place to be?

Mitchell: onstage

Trevor: in a girl

Kerri: wherever Mitchell is.

22. Least favorite place to be?

23. Do you own slippers?

24. What shirt are you wearing be specific?

25. Do you burn or tan?

Mitchell: I am tan.

Kerri: He's got the lines to prove it.

26. Favorite color(s)?

27. Would you be a pirate?

Trevor: Baby, I can be whatever you want. But I'm best as Trevor Fucking Wolff.

28. What songs do you sing in the shower?

Mitchell: Mine.

29. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?

30. What's in your pockets right now?

31. Last thing/person that made you laugh?

32. Best bed sheets you had as a child?

Trevor: Clean ones.

33. Worst injury you've ever had?

34. Are your parents still together?

Trevor and Kerri: Who cares?

Mitchell: Fuck yeah!

35. Who is your loudest friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Charlie the tour manager. (does he count as a friend?)

36. Who is your most silent friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Eric

37. Does someone hate you?

Mitchell: Who cares?

Trevor: Probably.

Kerri: Yes.

38. Do you wish on shooting stars?

39. What is your favorite book?

40. What song did you play at your wedding?

Mitchell: I was too drunk to remember. Ker, do you?

Kerri: No, but I do remember you with a guitar, so you must have played something.

Trevor: We played a fucking lot, you losers. No Skynyrd, though.

41. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Mitchell: Kerri.

Kerri: Mitchell

Trevor: Getting laid.

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hope i'm doing this right. sure i'm not..i've got too many things going on in my teeny tiny brain.

1. How tall are you barefoot?

Mitchell -- 6'1"

Kerri, 5'10"

Trevor, 5'10" (uh-huh. Sure, Trev)

2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Mitchell: no comment. Kerri: no. Trevor: probably.

3. Do you own a gun?Trevor: nope they won't let me. Kerri: perhaps. Mitchell: nah

4. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?

Trevor doesn't bother with such things.

Mitchell usually never remembered names, let alone saw them a second time,

and Kerri ... well, Kerri's meeting the Vosses should be an outtake.

5. What do you think of hot dogs? Kerri: laughs as she says wieners
Trevor: they are phallic aren't they. Don't touch them.
Mitchell: laughs b/c he knows better and can't answer for his laughing has turned into a gigglefit.

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Trevor: the one that I wrote
Kerri: I prefer Hannakuah songs myself
Mitchell: Any play on the 12 Days of Christmas.

7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Mitchell: orange juice.

Kerri: coffee

8. Can you do push ups? Trevor: can I yes. Kerri: no Mitchell: yes

9. Is your bathroom clean? Kerri:of course. Mitchell: uh..no
Trevor: don't know I haven't seen my own in so long..I don't know if it is or not. (hey, they've been touring a lot!)

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Kerri: my ring (shows off sparkler). Mitchell: that ring. Trevor: umm..tongue rings are quite nice.

11. Do you like painkillers? Trevor: ohhh yeah...

12. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Trevor: I'm Trevor Wolf..not much of a secret is it?

13. Do you hate any of your exes?

Trevor: No, and I'd still be loving them if I didn't need to come up for air.

Mitchell: What exes?

Kerri: No.

14. Do you have a dog? (answered by Susan) Nope, no dogs in Riverview. Yet.
Musie cuts in...umm I Want to Be Your Dog comes to mind..I think Trevor would have a few "dogs/bitches" in Riverview.

15. Middle Name?

Mitchell: Gregory

Kerri: Elizabeth
Trevor: Fuckin'

16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
Trevor: painkillers are good, girls are good, touring is good

Kerri& Mitchell: When are we going to get to "ditch" Trevor for private time.

17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:

Mitchell: Orange juice, Gatorade, beer

18. What time did you wake up today?

Mitchell: noon

19. Current worry? Trevor: How not to end up a has been before I'm a is "hot" now.

20. Current hate? Trevor: No groupies (all bust out laughing.)

21. Favorite place to be?

Mitchell: onstage

Trevor: in a girl

Kerri: wherever Mitchell is.

22. Least favorite place to be?Kerri: away from Mitchell.
Trevor: out of a girl

23. Do you own slippers? Trevor: perhaps

24. What shirt are you wearing be specific?
Trevor: a great t stating "Pop Tart" in the middle of a Star.

25. Do you burn or tan?

Mitchell: I am tan.

Kerri: He's got the lines to prove it.

26. Favorite color(s)?

27. Would you be a pirate?

Trevor: only if I'm assured that booty.

28. What songs do you sing in the shower?

Mitchell: Mine.

29. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Mitchell: Trevor
Trevor: Mitchell's toy soldiers

30. What's in your pockets right now?
Trevor: condoms, a wallet and some change.

33. Worst injury you've ever had?
Trevor: a sprained ummm..a groin injury.

34. Are your parents still together?

Trevor and Kerri: Who cares?

Mitchell: Fuck yeah!

35. Who is your loudest friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Charlie the tour manager. (does he count as a friend?)

36. Who is your most silent friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Eric

37. Does someone hate you?

Mitchell: Who cares?

Trevor: Probably.

Kerri: Yes.

38. Do you wish on shooting stars?
Kerri: yes and look what it did for me.
Trevor: hell no

39. What is your favorite book?
Trevor: The Kama Sutra

40. What song did you play at your wedding?

Mitchell: I was too drunk to remember. Ker, do you?

Kerri: No, but I do remember you with a guitar, so you must have played something.

Trevor: We played a fucking lot, you losers. No Skynyrd, though.

41. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Mitchell: Kerri.

Kerri: Mitchell

Trevor: Getting laid.

I know who Trevor is...I've met him. That's all he thinks about getting laid.
I'm confused! *blink*
too many questions...
I'm woking on it though ;)
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
Mitchell: tried it once
Kerri: no
Trevor: yes

3. Do you own a gun?
Mitchell: no
Kerri: no
Trevor: no

5. What do you think of hot dogs?
Mitchell: perfect for barbeques
Kerri: everyone needs a hot dog now and again
Trevor: food, yum.

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Mitchell: Do you hear what I hear
Kerri: I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Trevor: Jingle bells (one of the dirty versions) / Grandma got runover by a reindeer
I'll answer some of them.

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
M: No
K: No
T: I've smoked many a thing, but not heroin

3. Do you own a gun?
M: No
K: No
T: Yes, but not the kind you're thinking of! ;)

12. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
M: My no longer green hair
Some of you need to have beverage warnings... Holy smoke.
so that's a good thing, right?
I'm running low on ideas here, but I came up with this one:

33. Worst injury you've ever had?

Mitchell: green hair.

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
M: No.
K: No.
T: Smoked lots of things. Done heroin. Not together.

3. Do you own a gun?
M: No.
K: No.
T: Blanches and assaults interviewer.

5. What do you think of hot dogs?
M: Where's my grill?
K: Rolls eyes at Mitchell's answer
T: Good with beer.

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?
M: Twisted Sister's "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"
K: Whatever her mother didn't like
T: "Grandma Got Run Over"

8. Can you do push ups?
M: Hell yes.
K: I prefer Dreamsicles.
T: Why would I want to?

9. Is your bathroom clean?
M & T: You can clean a bathroom?
K: I live with 3 males. Not unless
the maid was there that day.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
M & T: Shapeshifter pin
K: Holds up wedding ring.

11. Do you like painkillers?
M: No.
K: No.
T: No.

12. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
M: The hair.
K: Secret advice from drag queens.
T: Attitude. 100% fucking attitude.

19. Current worry?
M: Trevor.
K: Troy & James.
T: Me, worry?

23. Do you own slippers?
M: No.
K: No.
T: Hell no.

41. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
M: Kerri
K: Mitchell
T: Who the hell is this next to me?
1. How tall are you barefoot?

Mitchell, 6'

Kerri, 5'8"

Trevor, 5'10"
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?

Mitchell -- once thanks to Trev, never again

Kerri -- back in college I smoked it but never inhaled

Trevor -- Yep I have some stashed away in fact ;)

3. Do you own a gun?

Mitchell -- No

Kerri -- I don't believe in bearing arms

Trevor -- sure do

4. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?

Mitchell -- I try not to meet them but now I'm with Kerri I haven't met hers yet

Kerri -- Nope they are people like anyone else and I have no problems talking to others.

Trevor -- I don't do "Meet the Parents" thang

5. What do you think of hot dogs?

Mitchell -- cheap dinner, lived off of them a long time before the band hit the big time

Kerri -- I don't eat them

Trevor -- teehee weiners are a great meat! ;)

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?

Mitchell -- Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Kerri -- Silver Bells

Trevor -- I hate Christmas songs! Although Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer is pretty damn funny.

7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Mitchell -- orange juice

Kerri -- coffee

Trevor - the hair of the dog

8. Can you do push ups?

Mitchell -- Yes I do some every morning

Kerri -- I watch M do them every morning

Trevor -- Hell no!

9. Is your bathroom clean?

Mitchell -- How would I know?

Kerri -- Of course!

Trevor -- I wouldn't know. I've never at home long enough to find out.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

Mitchell -- big silver cross necklace that Kerri gave me.

Kerri -- my wedding ring

Trevor -- anything that makes me look sexy ;)

11. Do you like painkillers?

Mitchell -- only if I obsolutely need them

Kerri -- no

Trevor -- Hell yeah! Bring them on!

12. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

Mitchell -- my guitar and my hair

Kerri -- my personality

Trevor -- the whole package baby! What is there not to like?

13. Do you hate any of your exes?

Mitchell -- not really but there are a few that are too clingy still.

Kerri -- nope I get along with them all still

Trevor -- I can't remember their names let alone remember if get along with them.

14. Do you have a dog?

Mitchell -- I had one named Brick when I was a kid. He was a great Yellow Lab.

Kerri -- maybe

Trevor -- no I didn't as a kid for sure and don't want a mutt now to worry about.

15. Middle Name?

Trevor -- None of your damn business!

16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?

Mitchell -- Kerri

Kerri -- Mitchell

Trevor -- Rusty

17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:

Kerri -- coffee, wine

Trevor -- beer, hard liquer, beer

18. What time did you wake up today?

Mitchell -- noon

Kerri -- 6 AM

Trevor -- still sleeping

19. Current worry?

Mitchell -- If the Band is doing well.

Kerri -- If my art is selling well.

Trevor -- what girl to take out tonight.

20. Current hate?

Mitchell -- nothing

Kerri -- male chauvinist pigs

Trevor -- feminist

21. Favorite place to be?

Mitchell: onstage

Trevor: in a girl

Kerri: wherever Mitchell is.

22. Least favorite place to be?

Mitchell -- away from Kerri

Kerri -- away from Mitchell

Trevor -- waking up with my beer googles off

23. Do you own slippers?

Mitchell -- Promise not to tell? I have a pair of pink bunny slippers Kerri gave me one year for my Birthday. :)

Kerri -- of course and they keep my feet nice and warm.

Trevor -- *rolleyes* No!

24. What shirt are you wearing be specific?

Mitchell -- a tight black t-shirt that hugs my muscles

Kerri -- something artsy I bought from a friend

Trevor -- sexy silk shirt that's just barely buttoned

25. Do you burn or tan?

Mitchell -- I'm a tanner. Wanna see?

Kerri -- neither

Trevor -- Burn to a crisp but I still go to the pool anyway.

26. Favorite color(s)?

Mitchell -- black, red

Kerri -- bright vivid colors that makes thing snap

Trevor -- any color that makes me look better

27. Would you be a pirate?

Mitchell -- do I get a sword?

Kerri -- as long as I don't have to be a wench.

Trevor -- I will be if I get the girls.

28. What songs do you sing in the shower?

Mitchell -- Shapeshifter songs what else?

Kerri -- I listen to M sing in the shower but we are taking them together. ;)

Trevor -- Shapeshifter songs that I'm writing. I don't understand why M doesn't like them.

29. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?

Mitchell -- my sisters

Kerri -- lets not talk about it

Trevor -- My dad!

30. What's in your pockets right now?

Mitchell -- some change

Kerri -- nothing

Trevor ---- Come here and put your hand in my pockets and find out. :)

31. Last thing/person that made you laugh?

Mitchell -- Kerri

Kerri -- Mitchell

Trevor -- myself

32. Best bed sheets you had as a child?

Mitchell -- Superman

Kerri -- 800 thread count

Trevor -- never had that

33. Worst injury you've ever had?

Mitchell -- broke my arm one year playing baseball, it still hurts sometimes when its cold out or it's going to rain

Kerri -- hurt my tail bone once! ouch!

Trevor -- too many to count.

34. Are your parents still together?
Mitchell -- Of course they are!

Kerri -- no comment

Trevor -- I don't know and I don't care!

35. Who is your loudest friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Charlie the tour manager. (does he count as a friend?)

36. Who is your most silent friend?

Trevor, Mitchell, and Kerri: Eric

37. Does someone hate you?

Mitchell: Who cares?

Trevor: Probably.

Kerri: Yes.

38. Do you wish on shooting stars?

Mitchell -- ummm yeah

Kerri -- Who doesn't?

Trevor -- What the hell would I? I'm arealdy living my dream.

39. What is your favorite book?

Mitchell -- I read a book in High School what was the name of it?

Kerri -- I read a lot and there are so many favorites. It's hard to choose.

Trevor -- I don't do the reading thing

40. What song did you play at your wedding?

Mitchell -- something about love. I was drunk so I don't remember exactly..

Kerri -- Like M said it had to be about love but we were so happy they we got married we had to drink.

Trevor -- I didn't want them to get married in the first place. I was drunk before I even showed up to the wedding.

41. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Mitchell -- Kerri

Kerri -- Mitchell

Trevor -- who the hell is next to me this morning and will she give me some before she goes.
Okay, I am going way outside my comfort zone in answering here but here goes

Do you like hot dogs?

Trevor- There is no such thing as a hot dog. There are hot chicks and then there are dogs
I'm answering one right now.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

Mitchell - my wedding ring
Kerri - This absolutely gorgeous hand-crafted silver and turquoise arm cuff Mitchell picked up for me in Santa Fe while on tour.

Trever - eh.
9. Is your bathroom clean?
Kerri for Mitchell: it is now!
Trevor: who cares

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
Mitchell: "good luck" ring from mom
Kerri: Wedding ring
Trev: ShapeShifter pin (or maybe some dangly rock star earring)

11. Do you like painkillers?
Trevor: they're good when you need 'em

22. Least favorite place to be?
Trevor: in the hospital

23. Do you own slippers?
Mitchell: who needs slippers when you can go barefoot

24. What shirt are you wearing be specific?
Mitchell: plain white t-shirt
Kerri: sapphire bamboo tee with a deep v-neck
Trev: black denim button-down shirt that's buttoned-down

26. Favorite color(s)?
Kerri: I'm an artist, I love all colors

31. Last thing/person that made you laugh?
Trevor: Kerri trying to do pushups

33. Worst injury you've ever had?
Kerri: I broke my arm once, I couldn't draw
Trev: Don't ask
Mitchell: pulled groin

39. What is your favorite book?
Kerri: The Little Prince
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