Sunday, February 10, 2008


Sunday Best: Me!

Wow. What a week. I'm laid up with The Plague that's going around and you guys are... handing out awards to me. Is this your way of telling me to feel better?

If I've forgotten to list you and the award here, please let me know. We can blame it on a fever delirium. Really, it probably was.

Leeanne, who is one of the coolest chicks around -- and who I hate to bug for WordPress advice (yes, I'm flirting with it) -- gave me a new award: The Blogger of the World award. She says I take her to places she's never been and that I make her feel wordly. Well, how is THAT for high praise?

And then there's my collecting friends, who gave me this one. I mean, come on. How can you NOT use the words Yum Yum the right way?

Robin, bless her heart gave me this one:

Megan was kind enough to pass this along. Have you met Megan yet? She's cool.

Whew. All these accolades... for me to sift through the almost 300 blogs in my reader (yes, I've culled a few; this is why it pays to delurk from time to time!) and pass along each one as justly as possible would probably take a few days. And while I'm feeling better, I'm still worn out and need a nap today (not to mention the Penguin game this afternoon).

If you're a regular around here, if you know who Mitchell's favorite person on the planet is, consider yourself rewarded. Be sure to let me know you've taken it so I can make a big fuss over you. It'll be well-deserved.

If you don't know who Mitchell's favorite person on the planet is, you should hang out here more often and check out the archives.

And finally, here's the deal. Bunnygirl is hosting a Valentine's Day themed Flash Fiction carnival. With the big red day fast approaching, why not whip up some fiction and shoot Bunny the url? You know you want to -- and saying, "But I'm not as good as you, Susan. My stuff sucks next to yours" will only accomplish one thing: me spitting my water at the computer screen before I collapse in peals of laughter.

What a dumb reason to hold yourself back. Trevor does not approve. Then again, neither does anyone else who hangs around this joint. Except for maybe Springer, but he's another story (hopefully to be developed into a novel of his own).

If you're not the carnival type, check out Scribbit's Write Away contest. Michele is cool. Actually, she's probably cold this time of year, but you get the idea. She's giving away Alaskan yummies this time around and her theme is love. How can you resist? Two places to share your writing for the single theme of love.

Love makes the world go 'round. Unless you're Trevor; then it makes your bill at Lyric's place higher.

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Thanks for the plug, Susan!

And just to clarify something for your readers, just because it's a Valentine-themed carnival, it is NOT required that one submit a romance.

Lust is okay (Trevor would approve), and so is any variant on love gone bad. It's perfectly all right to join in with any reasonable variation on the theme of love, so don't think this is all about hearts and flowers.
Hey there...

Delurking to say hello and I'll try to follow up wiht an email becuase I want to ask some Qs about Yellowstone. It's a possible vacation destination - although Glacier NP is the other option along with a trip up to the Canadian rockies.

Hope you're on the mend. :)
Sorry to hear that you've been laid low with the plague, that sucks! Hope you're feeling much better now and have kicked those horrid little viruses out on their ear!

Congrats on the multiple awards - all very well deserved of course. It's always nice to get a pat on the back from blog firneds, especially when you are feeling low with plague!
Congrats! You deserve it Susan! *grin*
Thanks so much for the mention!
Congrats on all the awards Susan! You definitely deserve them.

I hope you're feeling better soon.

And about WordPress, I've been considering it too. In fact, I just wrote about it this afternoon! :-)
I saw, L. I laughed, too. What timing, to come out of the closet, huh?
Thanks for plugging BG's FFC! I am so happy to have her on the FFC team. She's a lady of great quality.

Meanwhile, do get over your plague soon. It's such a pesky ailment to have.

Finally, congrats on all your accolades! Woohoo!
Is this where I mention I've been visiting a lot of the current fan fiction offerings over there? *grin*

I have been!
Congrats x 4, Susan! I really do hope you feel better soon.
Yup, that plague sucks...
But BIG CONGRATS on the major awardage!!
woot woot woot :D
Congrats on all your awards! If you haven't yet, get better soon.
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